Q. I’ve booked a session. What’s next?

A. Be on the lookout for a booking confirmation email, it includes all of your session information and our personal address where the farm is located. Remember this is a private residence, please do not share this address publicly. Our personal cell phone numbers are included as well in the event you need to contact us.

Q. It’s a big farm, where do I park?

A. Once you enter through the gate, drive through the pasture past the house. Enter the next big pasture where the barn is located and park along the fence on the right-hand side (opposite the barn). The fenced area surrounding the house is considered the “yard”, please do not congregate or play in the “yard” while waiting for your session to begin. While on our property please be mindful of your speed! Our children play outside and there can be a lot of people on the farm especially during mini sessions.

Q. I’ve arrived at the farm, what now?

A. If you’re early we may have clients in the field already, please stay near your vehicle (or follow any specific instructions given to you prior to arrival) and view from afar. We pride ourselves on being completely private so we like to make sure everyone gets the same courtesy.

Q. Do I need to “check-in” with you?

A. Our check-in process is very informal. We might be in the middle of something when you arrive but I promise we will be by to greet you and answer any questions you might have before your session begins. Sometimes if there are minis during the session before your arrival, we miss you arriving because we think you’re there for the minis. Generally, we look for cameras or camera bags though so we will find you eventually. If you like, you can text one or both of us letting us know you are waiting, we absolutely do not mind!

Q. Ok, but do I HAVE to talk to you first?

A. Nope! We like to put a face to the name for all of our first timers, but if you have been to the farm before we totally understand if you would rather get started right away.

Q. That’s a beautiful pond, can we take pictures over there?

A. The pond pasture is home to our two friendly donkeys. If you would like to take photos in this pasture, just get with us to open the gates for you so we can make sure our guys stay safe. You are free to go through any other OPEN gates without question.